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Stony Creek Sea Salt & Lavender Natural Handmade Soap

Regular price $ 8.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 8.99 USD
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6.5 oz Bar

made with organic Shea Butter!  Discover your inner Mer ≈≈≈ Person!

An early morning walk along the tidal marsh inevitably leads to meeting the numerous shore birds & animals who call Stony Creek their home. Pass through in the evening to watch the moon rise over the placid silvery-blue waters, to greet the ever-changing face of the sea. This soap is inspired by the simple, solid -yet ethereal- beauty of our shoreline home.

Stony Creek Lavender Salt Soap with Calendula Lavender Herbal Cream

This is an amazing healing combination. It's like having your own Spa treatment at home!

The Dead Sea Salt in the soap is rich in skin-nourishing minerals, so wash your face first and let your pores soak in the healing! 

Use a hot towel, wring it out well, and leave it on for a few minutes.  Breathe, relax.

Now use our healing Calendula Lavender Cream to seal moisture and healing into your skin. 


a coconut-shea butter soap with Dead Sea salt

Ingredients: saponified Cocos nucifera coconut) oil & Butyrosperum parkii (shea) oil, Dead Sea Salt; essential oil blend Lavandin grosso (lavender), Cymbopogon shoenanthus (lemongrass) Juniperis communis (juniper); Rosmarinus Officinales (anti-oxidant), Titanium dioxide (color), mineral pigment (color).