What is it about skin....
Our skin is made up of several layers Just beneath the epidermis which we commonly call skin, lies the thickest layer, the dermis, "within (which) ... are nerves, blood vessels, sweat glands, oil glands, and hair follicles, though it primarily consists of collagen, a protein that gives the skin strength and contributes to its flexibility." *(All About Skin).
"Within the dermis are the sebaceous glands or oil glands. .... These glands produce sebum, an oily fluid that lubricates the skin. Sebum also breaks sweat into many fine droplets to prevent dehydration. If the glands malfunction or are overactive, they can produce too much sebum. ...(and) the oil can lead to pores becoming clogged and dead skin cells accumulating on the skin’s surface."*(All About Skin).